Saturday, June 20, 2009

I am an expert at stapling...

-Peanut butter can be eaten on anything, we just started on our 6th jar.
-I was never much of a coffee drinker, but Paul and I are definitely enjoying the instant coffee.
-Avocado's are a regular purchase and we have been making lots of guacamole. They are about 7 cents apiece. It's wonderful.
-Tshube told me there are snakes on Khali Hill. I asked how big and he said they don't have anacondas. Cool. I guess it was a good thing we climbed in the dark because I would have flipped had I seen one.
-I miss home and everyone there :)
-My left bicep is much stronger due to excessive test stapling all week. They are FINALLY all done and printed.
-The copier is FIXED! Thank goodness.
-Some days we don't have water at the UB.
-Some days we don't have electricity at school.
-We saw a young boy pooping on a magazine in his front yard on the way to school one morning.
-We are enjoying Wednesday night bible study with the flying mission group.
-We have been working on our traditional dancing in between grading tests and at break time. Ha. That's a sight to see.
-Nicole has so far been celebrating her birthday for 2 straight weeks. Her birthday is not until next week...

Well it has been more of a low key week. At school we basically just finished copying, printing, and stapling the tests. Esh it's taken a long time. We have since begun grading them. I honestly don't know how they would have ever gotten that done if we weren't around to do it. It would have taken weeks. Paul and I went to the copier store to buy more ink one day. The lady working told me I looked like I was 5. I know I look young, but really? She then proceeded to tell me that I wanted to get married while I was here in Bots and pointed to my fiancee seated at his desk at the store. Then she told me he would only beat me when he's drunk and told me to go say hello. I waved and we left. It was pretty humorous, and she was quite the character.

BK and I are still tight. It's amazing to watch how lively she has become. She makes more noise and tries to talk a lot more as well. She still calls me mama. I think that's kind of stuck. The worst is when she cries, and whales mama mama and buries her head in my legs...yeah. Sooo I think I'm just going to bring her home. That's okay, right mom?

At lunch one day, I was talking with one of the girls, while my hair was being braided. ha. Through our broken conversations she was asking me about home, my family, my church and why I was here. She finally stated, so you're just here to help? I replied yes. She then said some word that I didn't understand and then she said, it means thank you. It was unexpected and I was also very touched. To most of these kids we're just here to play with them and wash their dishes when they're done. To be honest I haven't really expected to really be "thanked" for anything, so for a 12 year old to do so was kind of special.

We are leaving Monday for a week up north. I am sooo EXCITED! We tried to get bus tickets...yeah you can't buy a ticket to get on the bus. You just show up that day and get on it. We figured this out after meandering all over town one day. Luckily, Tshube is getting up with us at 4:45 Monday morning to take us so that we make sure to get on the right bus. Ha. He told us to sit by the window and we would probably see some elephants or ostriches and what not on the drive. I told him I would be taking pictures out of the bus window. He laughed at me and said that everyone else on the bus will think we are ridiculous for getting so excited. I'm not worried. On our trip we are going to the Okavanga Delta, Chobe Wildlife Park, and Victoria Falls. Our activities will include tents, lots of water, mokoros (canoe boat things), rivers, bridges, long cords, and jungle jeeps :) I'll leave it at that for now. Mother, don't you be worried. I will be just fine and safe. BUT I did tell Jonathan if something happens, he can have my CD's from 6th grade and my rollerblades. Ha KIDDING KIDDING. Don't freak out. And Dad I will be taking my malaria pills daily so don't fret about that either.

Another American group showed up this week at the UB. How disappointing. I think the total of Americans staying here now is up to something ridiculous like 60. We've definitely been enjoying meeting lots of people from many different places. Ohio and Pennsylvania don't count as new and interesting. Sorry. No, they are all really nice and fun to hang out with though.

I guess that's about it for now. I have to figure out how to pack a weeks worth of stuff into my book bag. Ha. This is going to be VERY interesting. Be sure to check out my post next week and read about how a hippo attacked our tent and other stories from our adventure :)

Happy Father's Day Daddy :)
Ha I know I's this weekend...last weekend it was flag day (Thanks Grandma)

1 comment:

  1. It's OK, but we don't have enough money to buy off all the officials. You would have to smuggle her through customs. I think if you become a citizen of Botswana you can adopt...
